May 23, 2024

|31st Paila: KOLTI, BAJURA 23- 25th May 2024

31st Paila: KOLTI, BAJURA 23- 25th May 2024

Ek Ek Paila Foundation completed its 31st health outreach program at Kolti, Bajura. We successfully served the people of Kolti, Bajura for a period of three days lasting from 23rd May 2024 to 25th May 2024 along with the help of Geta Foundation, Budhinanda Municipality. The program was set up at Kolti primary health center. A total of about 1711 patients were registered and about 2129 free cross-consultations were done. In addition to free health care, a musical concert was held on the final day of the camp by "Music for Medicine", a non-profit organization.



  • Total patient Consultation 1136
  • 169 patients  were operated free of cost for cataract.


  • Total patient Consultation 372
  • 180 extractions 


  • Total patient Consultation- 619
  • 19 surgeries

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